Saturday, February 11, 2023

 Business Embracing Online Communications

The PRS guitar company is highly regarded by musicians in nearly every genre of popular music. But being formed and renowned prior to the digital era, how has PRS used online an online presence and communications to maintain or enhance their company’s image?  

PRS does effectively use online communications to communicate the company’s core values, which include quality, assurance, and community. The company uses YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, to promote its approach to quality instruments and to distinguish itself from the competition. However, and perhaps more importantly, the company also uses its online platforms to reduce uncertainty on a personal level. This is accomplished, on Instagram for example, by short and personal reels by respected musicians that often require little to no introduction. The presence of known figures immediately reduces the uncertainty between the individual and the company and its products, thereby making a more meaningful connection with the viewer.

PRS makes additional uses of YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook to network events, tell stories, and generally promote an online presence that reflects the  professionalism of the company’s persona. While this selective disclosure is to be expected by both professional individuals and businesses alike, PRS’ focus on community communicates a sense of respectability and earned trust needed for a relationship.

It is clear that the PRS company has refined its online communications and presence. The company’s messaging is contemporary in delivery and context, and all of the major online platforms are utilized for their unique potential to project the company’s image.    

If we visit the official PRS website, the first (top) page immediately communicates a personal and friendly image, a direct communication of welcoming disclosure by featured artists. As we scroll down we will find other approachable disclosures in the form of bio’s from other known and upcoming artists. And as we scroll to the bottom, we find continued personal disclosures from signature artists, as well as events and news.

While in one sense the layout of company’s website is communicating personal discolsure, it could also be viewed as communicating an appraisal interview. The site discloses past achievements and future goals, and very much promotes itself as being the right candidate for the job. And through those communications, the company consistently communications a strong sense of self and self-purpose. The clarity of which can be observed in the company’s longer YouTube clips, where the company’s focus on viewer engagement is promoted through discussions and company links. This is just one more example of the company’s refined communications, as well as an indicator of a deeper understanding of the nuances of online communications.

It would be difficult to improve PRS’ online communications. However, I did notice that all the platforms utilized by the company were American/Western. I wonder of the company could more broadly project its image if it were to use other platforms found in the global east.

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